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DaVinci Airsoft
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Items per page 101214161820222426283032343638404244464850525456586062646668707274767880828486889092949698100
Collector DaVinci
Items set by the collector as Owned Wanted Tradeable Fake
Number of items7
Number of photos34 (135.4 MB)
Best collectorDaVinci (4 Items)
Best photo uploaderDaVinci (33 Photos, 135.3 MB)
Best contributorDaVinci (6 Items created)
Best editorDaVinci (5 Items edited)
Most exclusiveJing Gong Heckler & Koch G36C AEG China Electric
Most commonDboys Colt M4A1 Carbine AEG China Electric
Most popularKJ Works Beretta M9A1 Pistol Taiwan Gas
Most unpopularKJ Works Colt M1911A1 Pistol Taiwan Gas
Type AEG Greenade Launcher Pistol Shotgun
Country China Taiwan
Operation Electric Gas Spring
Fire Mode Manual Cocking Semi Auto Semi/Full Auto
HopUp No Yes (Adjustable) Yes (Fixed)
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