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Travix Albums
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Items per page 101214161820222426283032343638404244464850525456586062646668707274767880828486889092949698100
Collector Down by lawFranciscoGranotiusindexqwestjaimixxJJMilleniumMike-BellsantinogahansusofeTravixtubakWinnyzaradeth
Items set by the collector as Owned Wanted Tradeable Fake
Number of items538
Number of photos580 (756.9 MB)
Best collectorDown by law (252 Items)
Best photo uploaderFrancisco (205 Photos, 596.9 MB)
Best contributorDown by law (250 Items created)
Best editorMike-Bell (104 Items edited)
Most wantedAngelo Badalamenti Twin Peaks Warner Bros. LP Germany 7599-26316-1 1989
Most offeredThe Beatles White Album Antrop LP Russia П91 0009/10/11/12 1991
Most exclusiveTapiman Tapiman Guerssen LP Spain 30.4936 2003
Most commonMike Oldfield The Millennium Bell WEA CD United Kingdom 8573808852 1999
Most popularMike Oldfield Ommadawn Universal Music CD United Kingdom 5326761 2010
Most unpopularMike Oldfield Platinum Universal Music CD European Union 533 942-2 2012
Format 10" 12" 7" CD CD Single DVD LP SACD
Country Belgium Canada Czech Republic England European Union France Germany Ireland Italy Japan Mexico Netherlands Russia South Korea Spain United Kingdom United States Yugoslavia
Cat #
[1 - 18] / 84