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SONYSAR Banknotes
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Items per page 101214161820222426283032343638404244464850525456586062646668707274767880828486889092949698100
Collector ampgoing301975isamorimJoseBadajozlimi26SONYSARsunny242
Items set by the collector as Owned Wanted Tradeable Fake
Number of items353
Number of photos19 (2.8 MB)
Best collectoring301975 (336 Items)
Best photo uploaderampgo (8 Photos, 1.4 MB)
Best contributoring301975 (333 Items created)
Most wanted500 Pesos Oro Colombia 1982
Most offeredGrochen Austria 1968
Most exclusive1 Afghanistan 1969
Most common100 Pesetas Spain 1970
Most popular100 Afghanis Afghanistan 1979
Most unpopular1 Lek Albania 1976
Country Afghanistan Albania Argentina Austria Bolivia Canada Chile China Colombia Ecuador Hong Kong India Indonesia Iran Israel Japan Mexico Paraguay Portugal Seychelles Spain Taiwan United States Venezuela Yugoslavia
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