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DaVinci Famous Characters
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Items per page 101214161820222426283032343638404244464850525456586062646668707274767880828486889092949698100
Collector AsgardDaVinciFranciscoJorgeHighwindMike-BellsantinogahanSW Collector
Items set by the collector as Owned Wanted Tradeable Fake
Number of items224
Number of photos362 (153.3 MB)
Best collectorAsgard (96 Items)
Best photo uploaderMike-Bell (197 Photos, 14.6 MB)
Best contributorMike-Bell (119 Items created)
Best editorMike-Bell (31 Items edited)
Most wanted1:6 CRM Toys Clockwork Orange Alex
Most offered1:100 Hasbro GI Joe Ice Viper
Most exclusive1:6 Sideshow Indiana Jones Indiana Jones
Most common3 3/4 Kenner The Power Of The Force Stormtrooper
Most popular1:100 Bandai Gundam Gundam Wind Zero
Most unpopular3 3/4 Hasbro Star Wars Anakin Skywalker
Material Metal Polystone Porcelain PVC
Statue No Yes
Category Movies & TV Music
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